Sunday, August 2, 2009

BBC News- Technology
“A detailed, functional artificial human brain can be built within the next 10 years, a leading scientist has claimed.”
This artificial brain will be able to process sight, allowing researchers to trace the neuronpath through the brain, the same is true for other types of stimulation like smell, etc. The scientists even said that this brain will be able to process emotions!
“You need one laptop to do all the calculations for one neuron,” he said. “So you need ten thousand laptops.”

This research could help develop new treatments for the mentally ill and those who have suffered brain trauma. While all of this is really great, innovative stuff, I am amazed by something else that is much bigger than an artificial brain manufactured by a bunch of scientists. That is the fact that God created this marvelous machine, the human brain, that interacts not only things seen, but also with things unseen. We can take reality and change it to metaphor and back again. God made a special neuron pathway in our brains just so that we could feel love, understand truth, and experience the touch of another human being. He gave us the ability to enjoy his creation and to glorify him for it! He gave us the ability to feel wonder, bewilderment, anger, pain, and peace. He has revealed his love for us in these things; he has revealed his lovingkindness for us in Jesus. And he created us with the ability to know that love.
That, my friends, is truly amazing.

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